Profile PictureMustafa Hasan Khan
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About meHere's my story.

I’m Mustafa, a developer, creative coder, blogger and self-proclaimed engineer who specializes in back-end development. My mission is to scale applications to millions of concurrent users that process data blazing fast.

I’m currently working as a Software Engineer at Atlan where I help develop ETL connectors that generate lineage among assets spread accross various databases and BI tools.

Prior to Atlan, I worked as Google Summer of Code contributor at Rocket.Chat where I developed a connector app for integrating Rocket.Chat with ClickUp.

Before that, I worked as a freelancer helping craft backend services for client requirements.

I've been close to computers since an early age, and been passionate about tech ever since. I really liked to build stuff using no-code tools back in 2008, and from that, I explored how to code myself, fast-forward to today, I do programming in various languages and technologies.

You can find me on Twitter where I share tech-related tidbits and build in public, or you can follow me on GitHub. I often write about my findings on my blog .

Work experience

Here's a brief rundown of my most recent experiences.

Atlan logo

Software Engineer I


June 23 - Present

  • Building modern data workspace for data teams using cloud native ETL workflows, enhancing metadata integration from diverse data sources and establishing lineage.
  • Designing and maintaining ETL data connectors with ArgoCD, Python, Golang, and Apache Atlas.
Atlan logo

Backend Engineering Intern


Nov 22 - May 23

  • Excelled in support roles from day one, achieving top performer status in multiple cycles.
  • Developed a Ten day connector within 9 days, a company first.
  • Enhanced Fivetran workflows reducing runtime by over 96%.
Google Summer of Code 2022 @ Rocket.Chat logo

App Developer

Google Summer of Code 2022 @ Rocket.Chat

Jun 22 - Sep 22

  • Designed a connector app to integrate Rocket.Chat with ClickUp, using TypeScript and OOPS-based Rocket.Chat Engine.
  • Implemented OAuth2 for authentication and utilized REST API and webhooks for real-time notifications.

I love to share my knowledge through writing.

Check out a few of my most recent publishings.

Interested in my gear?

I keep a list of software, applications, extensions, hardware and a list of supplies I've used to set up my office for those who are interested.

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